Friday, June 20, 2014

The Month of June

How did it get so late so soon?  It's night before it's afternoon.  December is here before it's June.  My goodness how the time as flewn.  How did it get so late so soon? ~ Dr. Seuss

I guess it being June 20 means the year is about half over.  Hard to believe, I suppose.

We just passed the 6 month mark til Robert graduates.  It's interesting because when we moved here I hadn't moved since I was just a few months old.  I honestly had no idea what to expect.  Would we find kindred spirits immediately?  How long would it take to find jobs?  What would we look for in a church?  How do you learn where everything is in a new town - grocery store, doctor, gas stations?  On top of all of that I was learning how to be a wife and how to be an adult outside of school.  I guess a positive part about not knowing is that you aren't cynical yet, but a good thing about knowing what is like to move now is that I know that it will be difficult, but that it does get better.  I think we all know that it takes me a long time to adjust, so I'm not going to try and pretend otherwise, but for some reason I just feel more ready for this next move.  We have no idea where we will move, but I just feel peaceful about it.  We might move somewhere that we absolutely love and we'll live there forever, we might dislike living there so much that we move quickly, or it might be a place that we love but still don't stay for long.  It doesn't really even matter what it's going to be like because God already knows what's going to happen, He has cooler things planned than I could ever imagine.  It's also kind of nice not knowing everything because it would be awfully overwhelming to know everything that's going to happen in the rest of my life.

At the start of this month Robert took an intensive summer school class for one week that was Monday-Friday, 8:00-5:00.  He finished that class, and then headed to Baltimore 2 days later.  It's interesting to see how different my days are when Robert is out of town.  My days consist of way less talking, less laughing, much more sleep, boring meals, and frantic mornings making breakfast and lunch.  He had a great time Baltimore, and we're very glad he got to go.  The main bummer was a huge storm that made the 4 hour drive home turn into 7.5 hours and left me at home without power, a dead cell phone, and nothing to do for 6 hours.

This week was Vacation Bible School, and it was great!  Last year I was in charge of preschool music, and it was super fun but very time-consuming.  It was difficult to get home at 5:50 and need to be at church at 6:15.  This year I helped with preschool snack.  I guess I'd just like to encourage you to not let lack of time be an excuse for not serving others.  Sure, if you have tons of extra time and the desire then go for it and pursue a leadership position, but just because you work full-time doesn't mean you can't do anything.  

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