Friday, February 5, 2016

Sarah At Six Months

Weight: 18lb 0.2oz (80%) - She has awesomely chunky thighs!
Height: 26.25" (70%) - I'm not so sure that this is accurate considering the fact that she measured 26.3" two months ago and has gone up a clothing size since then.
Head circumference: 16.5" (43%) - Tiny like Daddy!

Sarah's night is typically 8:15pm-7:30am.  Occasionally she'll sleep as late as 8:30, but that's very rare.  She still takes three naps during the day - morning, afternoon, and evening.  The morning is the shortest, evening is the mid-length, and afternoon is the longest.  Morning nap is usually only about 30 minutes and still happens in my arms.  The afternoon nap is happening in the crib more and more (!!!) and lasts at least an hour on short days, 2 hours on normal days, and 4 hours once in a blue moon.  Her evening nap happens in our arms or in the crib depending on how long we think it is going to last.  She is no longer swaddled at night and just sleeps in a sleep sack or her Zipadee-Zip.  The afternoon nap happens in the Zipadee-Zip or swaddled with her arms in depending on how rowdy she is.  She hasn't been able to handle a sleep sack in the afternoon, but we just got new blinds in her room and they keep the sun out better, so I'm hopeful that afternoon naps might be a bit better now.

Sarah eats an 8oz bottle at 8:00, 12:00, 4:00, and 8:00.  She eats rice cereal before the bottle at 8:00, 12:00, and 4:00.  We tried oatmeal, and she threw up both days that we gave it to her.  I'm unsure whether or not it was an allergic/digestive reaction or if it was a freak coincidence, but we've decided to just stick with the rice for now since she likes it and it agrees with her well.  We're excited to start her on baby food!  She's started showing a big interest in our food when we eat.  I'm hoping to make some baby food for her and just use store-bought while we're out and about.

Sarah thinks Robert is the most fun and most hilarious person in the universe.  It's really fun to see them interact.  I'm also a bit jealous that she gets so thrilled when he comes home from work.  She gets pumped to see people she recognizes like grandparents and youth kids.

Health and Physical Ability
Sarah can roll onto her side from her back and from her stomach.  She seems to get so close to officially rolling over and then stops.  Her second tooth appeared on January 10.  We were at baby Asa's first birthday party, and his mom, Tarah, said, "Aww, I see Sarah's teeth!"  Me, "No, she just has one tooth.  Wait!  What?"  Sure enough, two teeth.  I swear that second one popped through on our drive to the party.  She drools a lot less now that those teeth are in.  She is very good at tracking and has really started to notice Mittens walking around this month.  She looks up when you say her name.  She is really into doing crunches.  She can stand with support.  She can officially sit, too!  She can last about 30 seconds before toppling over.  There was a big growth spurt in the physical ability department this month.  No cold/flu yet this winter, and she's still never had a fever, even with teething or vaccinations.  Knock on wood.

Her hair is coming in more and more, and it's definitely blonde and straight.  Her eyelashes and blue eyes are still beyond stunning.  I think it's safe to say she officially has blue eyes.  Our pediatrician said you can usually trust eye color at 6 months.  She has the cutest facial features - chubby cheeks, rosy cheeks, kissable lips, perfect skin.  She's gorgeous.

Highlights of the month
January 6 - First big, intentional laugh
January 10 - Asa's birthday party (Sarah's first birthday party to attend for a friend).  Sarah's second tooth.

January 15 - First time on a swing (At Memaw and Pepaw's house)

January 20 - First snow

January 29 - Mark and Serina came for a quick overnight visit on their way to vacation.
January 30 - First collegiate sporting event: hockey.  (My first hockey game as well. HA!)

February 3 - Rolled from back to tummy twice!
February 4 - Introduction of the high chair

Dear Sarah,
I hope you never lose your ability to see the beauty in simple things like leaves blowing in the wind, listening to the guitar, petting a soft cat, watching a bird out the window, or laughing and being silly.  God made these things for you to enjoy because he loves you.  He could have a created a very boring but functional world, but he decided to be creative and made sunsets and sunrises, fluffy cat fur, chirping birds, and cool breezes on hot days.  God loves the birds so much that he makes sure that they are fed, but he loves YOU so much that he gave his only Son to die on the cross to forgive all people of their sins.  If you believe this and believe that you need a Savior, then God will rescue you.  How glorious is that?  Sarah, I pray every day for your salvation and that you will seek to follow God and His ways all the days of your life.  I want nothing more and nothing less for you.  I will love you all the days of my life.

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