Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Life Lately, November 13

Sarah is at preschool, and the house is clean, so I can blog, right?  Preschool has been so great for Sarah and me!  She genuinely loves her teachers and feels very safe and comfortable there.  She's making some new friends, and learning so much!  I'm enjoying time to run errands and clean the house by myself, but I'm also loving having some silence.  You don't get much silence when you have a talkative 3 year old girl around!  She's the best, but it's been good to have some down time.  Right now all I hear is the click of the keys and Mittens snoozing next to me.  

Sarah loves going with me to vote.  The church where we vote has a huge elephant named Sue.  Sarah asked me why the elephants at the zoo are just grey when this one is all the colors of the rainbow.

Aunt Pam came to town, and we got to see her for a day.  So fun!

I always let Sarah's hair air-dry, but since it's gotten so cold I didn't want her to have a wet head.  I dried it with the diffuser, and she was ready to model!

Pretending to teach Sunday School
 Sarah is in a habit of waking up around 5:30 for the day.  This was going on before the time change and is continuing.  It's kind of miserable.  She comes to our room several times before we finally officially start her day at 7:00.  It won't last forever, right?  But yesterday when she came to our room she was dressed in a fancy dress and tights!  Princess Sarah!

We got our first little snow yesterday.  Sarah really enjoyed it!  Obviously, it wasn't enough to play in, but Sarah and Robert did make the world's smallest snowman complete with Froot Loop eyes and a toothpick nose.

Who's ready for some recent Sarah quotes?

  • In Sunday School we were watching a music video that went with our lesson.  Sarah was doing the motions, and another kid got up in front of her.  Sarah said, "Stop trying to ruin my worship!"
  • We were playing with Play Doh, and Sarah said, "It's purple like Lydia's (from the Bible) cloth!"
  • "I brush my hair like Cinderella because she's a princess and I'm a princess.
  • Sarah didn't like the fish Robert made for lunch.  "My doctor said I'm allergic to fish."
  • Me: "Use your mind to think about it."  Sarah: "Actually, it's my brain."
  • Sarah's Sunday School teacher said, "Mmm somebody smells good," and Sarah said, "Well, it's not me!  I didn't take a bath today."
  • Sarah's prayer: "Dear God, thank you that it's going to rain tonight so we don't have to water our flowers.  Thank you for Grandma.  She's so perfect.  Thank you for my new school.  We do stuff all the time.  Thank you that I get to play on the big playground there.  Thank you that tomorrow is water day.  Amen."
  • We were at a hotel, and Sarah said, "This is going to be the most perfect sleepover!  Is everyone else in this hotel waiting to go see their Papas?"
  • "My toots are funny.  Your toots are funny.  Dad's toots are funny.  But don't tell people that we're the toot family!"
  • "At the Temple (where we have Bible Study Fellowship) I learned that there are three parts of God.  It's God, God, and God.  It's the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.  And God is in heaven on a sparkly throne!"
  • "When I get married I want to wear a crown, and my husband can wear a cowboy hate.  I'll move out and you can get a new kid to live at your house.  When I have kids you can keep on at your house, but I'll need to keep the rest at my house."
  • "Jesus might have a hard time carrying me to heaven since I'm such a big girl."
  • "Stomp, drop, and roll!"
  • We drove by something stinky, and Sarah said, "We must have driven by a toot factory!"
  • Sarah to me at bedtime: "I could huge and kiss you all day!"

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