Friday, August 29, 2014

The End of Summer

I suppose summer is officially over, considering Robert is back at school.  Ahh...his final semester.  Technically he will have to take one Jan-Term class for 3 weeks after he graduates, but that's just a technicality.  We're so thankful SEBTS is letting him walk before he takes that final class.  Otherwise, we would have to come back here 4 months later for graduation.  Because of that, we're calling this his last semester.  This semester he is taking sermon delivery, a book study on Psalms, Theology, and 9 Marks (a weekend intensive in September).  Shout out to R for taking 12 hours a semester.  I've only met a couple of other people who do this, and they either aren't married or don't have much of a job.  He's Superman!

We had a very fun Sunday School social on Saturday.  We had a scavenger hunt around town, and my team got second place.  Tasks included a picture of a yellow car, a video interviewing strangers and asking how they met, and bringing back a bottle cap.  We had countless other things to photograph, record, and bring back.  It was a lot of fun!  I was bummed Robert had to work so he couldn't attend, but he made it in time to enjoy dessert with everyone back at the house.

This week we had to say goodbye to some of our dear friends, the Rudolphs.  Emily was the first person to befriend us at Faith.  We met her on Halloween and she invited us to come to her Sunday School class which was taught by her husband.  They no longer teach so we've joined a different class, but they're still our good friends.  Robert and I have house sat for them multiple times.  They're such a sweet family.  Mike finished his doctorate in May, and they decided to move to Ohio.  I helped Emily clean on Saturday, and Robert and I helped out again on Tuesday.  Robert helped with the storage unit, and I helped stage and tidy the house to be put on the market.  They headed out on Wednesday.  It was sad to say goodbye.  It made me think about how difficult it will be to say goodbye when we move, but I left feeling so thankful that we know and love friends so much that it's painful to say goodbye.

Sunday was our Fantasy Football draft.  We had about 10 people from Sunday School at the draft.  I'm not one to brag, the end of the draft the computer system estimated what everyone's record would be and mine came out as 14-0, so...

The main bummer of the week was that our computer broke.  We only have one computer, and it's well used.  Robert got it about seven years ago.  I like to say that it works well, minus the fact that sometimes it locks up, it can't connect to the printer, it doesn't read PDFs, it burns your lap off, and it overheats every 30 minutes.  But other than that it's a great computer.  Anyway, it bit the dust last Saturday.  Pretty much the worst time possible since Robert was to start school on Monday.  We did our research for a few days and settled on an Asus.  In the meantime, Robert had a friend from church take a look at the broken computer and he was able to fix it enough to turn it on again, and he charged us a mere $20.  We were able to boot it up and save everything onto an external hard drive.  Crisis averted!

Also, I can't let this post go by without giving a birthday shout out to my mom!

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