Saturday, February 20, 2016

Sarah's First Trip to the Zoo

This has been such a fun weekend!  I'd mentioned that last week was insane with Robert working his normal schedule plus about 20 hours extra last Friday and Saturday, so this week he took a three day weekend!!!  It was awesome, and we loved it, but it also made me sad that we can't be together like this all the time.  If only we could both be stay-at-home parents. :)  

Thursday morning Becky and I went walking with Sarah and her dog, Lucy, just like we always do on Thursday mornings.  It's been majorly beautiful outside the last few days, so we needed to take advantage of it.  Robert stayed home and did absolutely nothing which is exactly what he wanted to do.  Right before we got home Robert had to leave to go visit a student who was having shoulder surgery, so Sarah and I hung out for a bit.  I'll be honest and say we may or may not have sat in the parked car while she slept in the car seat for 45 minutes.  Don't pretend like you've never done it!  When she woke up I decided to lay out a blanket in the front yard so we could sit together and listen to the birds and leaves.  Sarah thought it was super mesmerizing to watch the dead leaves blow across the street since it was so windy.  She rolled from her tummy to back twice while we were outside.  The wind must have helped her!  When Robert got home we did the typical lunch, play, nap, and watched Friends.  I've seen episodes here and there, but this is our first time to actually walk it through.  Phoebe just had triplets, and Rachel and Chandler are together for the first time!  When Sarah woke up we decided to go for another stroller ride and hopped in the car to walk on The Trail of Tears.  We'd seen signs for it throughout town, so we got on it at a trail head near our house.  I think we were both imagining it would be super cool and a fun adventure, but it ended up being about a half mile of a dirt trail that ended in somebody's back yard.  What did we do wrong?  So we just turned around and drove around town for a bit.  Robert got a glimpse into just how slowly the day goes with Sarah. :)  She's a fun baby, but I think he's understanding more and more why I'm so pumped when he comes home at 5:15!  I sent Robert out to buy some M&M's so we could make monster cookie bars, and while he was out he rented us to DVDs from Family Video.  I can't even remember the last time I was inside a movie rental store!  Apparently they're having to be more competitive with prices due to Redbox and Netflix because he rented two movies for a total of about $2.50.  I remember renting one movie for $5 back in the day.  We watched Promised Land, and I can't really say that I'd recommend it.  It was pretty slow and didn't grab my attention, but those monster cookie bars?  They were delish.  You can get the recipe here.

We took Sarah for another stroller ride yesterday.  Seriously, best weather ever.  Sarah tried out her swing set for the first time.  The sellers accidentally left their play set here and didn't bother to come back for it, so it's ours now!  Sarah didn't laugh with glee, but she also didn't cry, so we're calling this swing experience a success.  After dinner we were bored, and my wild husband suggested going to play putt putt.  At only $2.50/person for 18 holes it's a pretty sweet deal.  Robert still beat me even with wearing Sarah for the whole time.  He even won a free round of putt putt on the final hole!  I have no excuse.  We finished up the night with walking around Lowe's and pricing things on our house wish list and got bummed out realizing that this stuff is happening no time soon unless we strike gold.  

Today couldn't have been better!  Any day where Sarah sleeps until 8:15 is a good day!  Robert woke up early to go to the men's breakfast at church, and I got Sarah ready to meet up with my parents to celebrate our friend Carl's birthday.  Robert was going to meet us at Scramblers and just have coffee.  I walked out the garage and realized that Robert had taken my car.  Wah wah wah.  Told myself that I STILL need to learn how to drive Robert's stick shift and had to wait for Robert to finish up and come and get me so we could all ride together to Scramblers.  Breakfast was tasty, and it was good to see Carl.  After breakfast, my parents watched Sarah while Robert and I went to a high school drum line competition to see some of our students compete.  They sounded great and won first place!  I'd never been to anything like this before.  We're hoping to go to more of their performances later this year, and Sarah will definitely be coming with us and rocking her super cool noise-reducing earmuffs.  

After the competition, we met back up with Mom, Dad, and Sarah and hit up the zoo!  This was Sarah's first trip to the zoo, and it was awesome!  Dad had packed a picnic lunch for us to enjoy when we first got there.  Let me tell you, we weren't the only ones taking advantage of a 75 degree day in February!  Honestly, once we got in it didn't feel unbearably full.  She lasted for about half and hour and then fell asleep for 45 minutes just in time to wake up for the last 30 minutes.  Sarah really liked the monkeys and the peacocks.  We got an annual membership to the zoo and will definitely be going there a ton!

We went to Wicked Wok for dinner and got Culver's for dessert.  Sarah decided she'd had enough for the day and her gums were majorly hurting so she treated us to 15 minutes of screaming in the car followed by an hour long nap.  Yikes!  But seriously, she's really good at going with the flow and being up for whatever we have planned for her.  Sister is catching some major zzz's now.

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