Thursday, August 11, 2016

Free Activities for Babies

It's no secret that having a baby costs major bucks.  Whether it's medical bills for labor and delivery, formula and diapers, or a crib, some things just can't be avoided.  Living on one income, I try to be extra savvy in finding free and cheap activities for Sarah.  Here are some things she's enjoyed over the last year:

There are the old standbys: playing in a cardboard box, digging through a cabinet full of something safe like towels, and putting clothes in and out of a laundry basket.

Story time at the public library - This is awesome!  For us, we go every Monday morning from 9:30-10:00 and attend a class for birth through 18 months old.  The time includes songs with actions, rhymes, stories, activities like bubbles or rattles and some free play.  It's a nice way to promote early literacy and socialization for your baby.  Sarah really does recognize some of the songs now and starts reaching for the shakers when it's time for Shaky Shaky.

Sitting on the front porch - We're fortunate to have a porch swing, but a chair or the ground would work just fine.  We can enjoy listening to the birds, inspect leaves and twigs, wave at the cars as they go by, and say hi to walkers.  Fresh air and sunshine instantly get Sarah and me into a better mood.

Ties in tissue box - I tied together three of Robert's old neck ties and put them in a tissue box.  Sarah loves pulling and pulling until they all come out.  It has helped with her pincer grasp, and she' thinks it's pretty funny.

Get a regular walking buddy - During the school year Sarah and I walked with my friend Becky and her dog, Lucy, on Thursday mornings from 9:00-10:00.  Sarah enjoys watching Lucy, and I enjoy getting to talk to Becky.  It's been too hot and busy this summer, but I hope we can pick this up again soon.  For me, having a set guaranteed time to do something is really key to making it happen.  We know to not plan anything else for Thursdays at 9:00, and we're able to make it happen almost every week.

Make bath time last as long as possible - In the summer, you can even take it out side!  Sarah enjoys playing with her rubber duck, foam letters, and bubble wand in the tub.  Playing peekaboo with the shower curtain is definitely a favorite.

Check out board books from your church library - Reading the same books over and over again doesn't bore Sarah yet, but it gets old to me quickly.  Our church has a good selection of wholesome books that I feel good about Sarah reading.

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