Wednesday, July 2, 2014

I Will Not Miss...

*I'll preface this list by saying when our impending move draws closer I guarantee that I will write a super sentimental post about how sad I am to leave our first home.  Until then, I leave you with a serious list of silly things I don't plan on missing.

  1. The 7 1/2 mph speed limit at our apartment - Could there be a more random speed limit?  It's also basically impossible to maintain.
  2. The "BBQ" - We still haven't been converted to this vinegar-based nastiness. 
  3. No winter - I truly do miss snow.
  4. The eastern time zone - It throws off my tv watching. ;)  (Who knows, maybe we'll end up staying in the eastern time zone.  That would be just our luck. haha)
  5. Apartment living - Aww, we dream of having a garage and not having to heat up/cool down the car forever, not hearing stomping from up above at midnight, not having our picture frames and clocks rattle against the door every time someone else slams their door, and having more than two windows. 
So how about you?  What are some funny things about your first place as an adult that you don't miss or find yourself missing oddly enough?

1 comment:

  1. I miss the 'young married ' feeling that we had in the apartment.



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