Monday, October 5, 2015

Sarah At Two Months

Length: 23.3" (85%)
Weight: 12lbs 3oz (70%)
Head circumference: 15.3" (73%)

Sarah is making great strides in the sleep department.  She's always been a good sleeper, but she's started sleeping longer stretches.  At night she's started being able to go for about 7.5 hours without a feeding!!!  She usually takes a big nap in her crib in the afternoon for 2-3 hours.  She also takes smaller naps throughout the day in her car seat/stroller, swing, and our arms.  She has officially made it three nights without a nighttime feeding!!!

She eats 4-5 ounces 6 times a day.  It's crazy to think that just two months ago she only ate 1/3 ounce each time she ate.  She loves her bottle and cries when you take it out of her mouth to burp her.  She knows what she wants!

This girl could be nicknamed Smiley Sarah!  She knows how to steal your heart with her sweet smiles, squeals and coos, and twinkling eyes.  She's a happy girl.  She's always looking intently at something and studying things.  She locks in and really focuses.  I think she's going to be a funny girl.  She already knows how to make us laugh!

Health and Physical Ability
Sarah is still struggling with the clogged tear duct in her left eye off and on.  I want it to feel all better soon!  Sarah loves laying on her activity mat and hitting the red fox.  She kicks her legs and swats her arms around.  She can lift up her head and chest together and turn her head for more than a minute.  When you hold her upright she loves lifting her head and doing her own tummy time.  When she does tummy time she likes to scoot her legs like she wants to crawl but just doesn't know how to do it yet.  I think she's soooo close to rolling over.

She has a bit of an old man hairdo - thick on the sides and back, thinner on top - but it's so cute!  She has big, beautiful, blue eyes.  Her long fingers are so dainty.  Her tummy is rounding out, and she's getting quite the belly and double chin.  0-3 month clothing is starting to get a bit snug, and we've put her in a few 3-6 month outfits.

Dear Sarah,
You are an example of God's handiwork.  He made you to be you, and nobody else in the history of humankind is quite like you.  I hope you always like being you, because you are awesome!  Thank you for teaching me how to go with the flow and not try to plan out everything in my day.  Thank you for letting me snuggle you.  I hope you always know and feel loved by Dad and me.  We love you, baby doll!

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