Thursday, October 20, 2011

Hometown Photo Album

Robert and I will be married at this time seven months from now.  It's crazy how quickly the time is flying by, but if it went even faster I wouldn't complain.  Since it's getting closer, I've been starting to think about how much I'll miss my wonderful hometown.  It's exciting and thrilling to think about moving far away and starting "our" life, but it's also nearly unfathomable to think about life outside of my hometown.  I've lived here since I was just a few months old.  Everything I've ever experienced has happened here - birthdays, graduations, friendships, holidays, meeting/dating Robert, church.  It's weird to think about missing out on those things.  I had this realization a few weeks ago: next year I will miss every single one of my family members' birthdays.  That's never happened before.  Other than missing Jim's birthday while he lived abroad I don't think I've ever missed a birthday.  We'll probably come home for Thanksgiving or Christmas, but other than that I'll miss out on every other holiday.  I won't get to go to the homecoming parade.  I won't automatically be here when other friends come home on vacation.  It's a really weird feeling.

All of this has prompted me to created a hometown photo album.  Before I move I want to take pictures of my favorite places in town.  That way I can flip through it whenever I want, and maybe I can occasionally show it to new friends.  Don't worry, I won't make people look at it the second they come over.  Anyway, I've started thinking of pictures to include:
  1. First Baptist Church
  2. Dunnegan Park
  3. My house
  4. Memaw and Pepaw's house
  5. Jim's house
  6. SBU
  7. Leslie Hall and Landen Hall (Robert's and my dorms)
  8. My friends' houses
  9. El Rodeo
  10. 3 G's
  11. Our favorite sunset location
Do you have any suggestions for locations to add to the list?

Additions from friends and family:
13. The pavilion where Robert proposed/where we're getting married.
14. My high school
15. Mom's school
16. The town square
17. Wal-Mart (Where Robert and I spent many hours on free dates)

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