Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Session 2

On Friday I will officially be finished with session two of summer school.  Yayyyy!  The lame thing is that my two online classes span session two AND three so the fact that session two is ending doesn't mean I'm finished with more classes.  However, it does mean that once this week is over (Friday) I just have three more weeks before I have officially made it through summer school.  August 4 = no more summer school for me ever...hopefully.  I'll get almost three weeks off (20 days to be precise), and I plan to live it up.  Starting off the break by spending a lovely weekend away with Robert's family which will include hitting up Schlitterbahn.  I've never been there, but I've heard it's pretty sweet!  Then when we get back Robert and I will hop in the car with my parents and venture to McKinney, Texas to visit Mom's middle sister, Dana.  I haven't been there in about a year and a half, and Robert has never met Dana or her husband so it will be great!  Plus there is soooooooo much to do in the Dallas area.  Once we get back I'll stick around home for a week and a half and spend my time babysitting, sleeping, and staring at the wall (I'm seriously looking forward to that bit).  Robert starts RA training August 12.  It'll be lame because he'll pretty much have about 2 seconds of free time each day so we can't hang much, but that means I'll have more time to stare at the wall!!!  Maybe I'll even go help him unpack and get ready for the year.  Two gold stars for being the girlfriend of the year! ;)

I've been learning a lot lately.  Of course, I've learned a lot in my classes, but God has been teaching me even more this summer.  These classes have revealed to me yet again that I CANNOT do everything (or anything for that matter) without Him.  When I started summer school I literally thought I was going to go insane and drop out.  I would repeat, "God, let your strength and peace flow through me," to myself and pray that it would be true dozens of times throughout the day.  When a situation arrived where I felt unsettled, overwhelmed, or frustrated I would repeat these words to remind myself that God is here.  He's here when I recognize Him, but He's even here when I don't recognize Him.  With God's help I've been able to learn that I don't have to do everything on my own.  I can always rely on Him, and I can even count of close friends and family to lighten my load.  Believe it or not, but they actually enjoy helping me.  With everyone's help I managed to get A's in my first two classes.  I am positive I couldn't have done this alone.

So now when I start to feel overwhelmed and get the jitters that were my close companion during session one, I remind myself that God was there then, and he's here now.

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