Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What I've Done - Cleaning your washer and dryer

Washers and dryers are supposed to be clean, right?  After all, it's the place where you CLEAN your clothes.  Washers and dryers can actually be super grimy and icky.  Here are my tips for keeping your washer and dryer squeaky clean
  1. Wipe the outside of your appliances - Wipe off that nasty soap residue from the time your detergent leaked.  Wipe down all the knobs.
  2. Clean out your lent trap - Take out the lent.  Wash the screen with soap and water.  You'll know it's clean when the water runs through it instead of beading up on top.  Now get your vacuum attachment and vacuum out the trap area.  I found a few guitar picks and a dime.  Score!
  3. Wipe down drum pieces - Did you know that the bleach cup comes out and you can wipe it down?  I had no idea.  There was lots of nice mildew-y stuff where the cup had been.  You can also take off the top piece of the agitator and wipe it down really nice.
  4. Run your washer with nothing in it - Use the hottest water setting, put in a cup of vinegar, allow it to fill and then agitate for one minute.  Soak for an hour.  Run through the rest of the cycle.  Now do the same thing but use a cup of bleach this time.  My agitator was totally white again and didn't have grey scummy stuff on it anymore.
I've also heard that you're supposed to clean out your hose, but that sounded a bit complicated to me so I skipped that.  Let me know how it turns out for you!

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